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Maria Wiering - OSV News
A Eucharistic pilgrimage from Indianapolis to Los Angeles is being planned for spring 2025, while congress organizers who had been discerning an 11th National Eucharistic Congress in 2033, are now considering planning the event even sooner.
Following the Way from southern France to Santiago de Compostela, Spain—a famous Catholic pilgrimage site—in 2018. The shot was taken during filming of the PBS documentary "Walking the Camino: Six Ways to Santiago." (CNS photo/courtesy CaminoDocumentary.org) 
Bridget Ryder
Pilgrims take the 500-mile Camino de Santiago pondering deeply personal questions, seeking insight through the journey or simply wanting time to reflect and encounter God. With Sister Katherine, they are able to talk through their experience and its unique lessons.
a map of the united states showing the four routes of the pilgrimage for the national eucharistic pilgrimage for 2024
Maria Wiering - OSV News
The 2024 National Eucharistic Pilgrimage goes across the country to converge in Indianapolis before the Eucharistic Congress opens in July 2024.
seven college students in regular clothes stand in front of a graffiti mural of george floyd with his face and name, in minneapolis
FaithFaith in Focus
Renée Darline Roden
Modern Catholic Pilgrim, the company organizing these pilgrimages, aims to reform the culture of the American Church—and even secular society—through the spiritual practices of hospitality and pilgrimage.