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Kerry Weber is an executive editor for America.
FaithAdvent Reflections
Kerry Weber
A Reflection for the Sunday of the Second Week of Advent
Arts & CultureNews
Kerry Weber
Sister Percylee Hart, principal of the Olympian's alma mater, has made a habit of encouraging every student to achieve their best.
FaithShort Take
Kerry Weber
Only 38% of Catholics surveyed had heard of McCarrick, according to a recent survey commissioned by America Media and conducted by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.
FaithLast Take
Kerry Weber
The new health guidelines for attending Mass raise concerns for parents of young children during an already challenging year.
FaithLent Reflections
Kerry Weber
We love being able to claim we’re solely responsible for our successes. But today’s readings remind us that none of us get to where we are on our own, nor should we want to.
FaithLent Reflections
Kerry Weber
It’s a cliché but these two miracles say it well: Jesus is there for us in good times and bad. Jesus celebrates with us; Jesus heals us when we are broken.
Politics & SocietyFaith
Kerry Weber
"The role of prayer and prudential judgment on behalf of all Catholics, but also especially, in a particular way, the shepherds of the church is so important."
Arts & CultureTelevision
James Martin, S.J.Kerry Weber
James Martin, S.J., and Kerry Weber on ‘The Crown’: What does it mean to uphold one’s duty? What does it mean to be free?
FaithFaith in Focus
Kerry Weber
I commend you. I sympathize. I need your advice.
A newborn baby rests on a father's chest nuzzled up to his chin, both have eyes closed, are white; the father has dark brows and a bit of a mustache growing in; they are wrapped in a light brown blanket
FaithAdvent Reflections
Kerry Weber
A Reflection for the Third Thursday of Advent