Voting in the E.U. parliamentary elections, which begins on June 6, is expected to result in a strong swing to the political right, as parties running on anti-immigration platforms have surged across Europe in recent years.
Humankind has been a constant witness to wars and rumors of wars, but we seem to be entering a particularly conflict-cursed time.
The ultimate goal is to prepare the men to be able to build strong and healthy relationships with their parishioners.
We must call Americans back to the political vision that enabled us to become a free people.
Trusting Hispanic leaders to be at the helm of major ministerial efforts makes a major difference.
If we wish to embrace Christian belief and practice, our theological conversation must include open discussions of disability—including how the notion of 'imago Dei' is used in our theological considerations of what it means to possess infinite dignity.
Do you have to believe in God to go to church? I used to think so. But more agnostics should give religion a try.