Any review is really about the reviewer himself, writes Joseph Hoover, S.J., in his yearly poetry roundup.
Arts & CultureIn All Things
At The Future of the Catholic Literary Imagination quot conference the most dynamic panel for my money was the one entitled quot Catholic Literati The Next Generation. Given this title I feel for the three men who made up the panel Randy Boyagada James Matthew Wilson and Josh Hren
In All Things
The ldquo Future of the Catholic Literary Imagination rdquo the conference organized by the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies and held on the campus of U S C was lovely for many reasons For one I have read nearly all the stories of Tobias Wolff ldquo Hunters in the Snow rdquo ldquo
In All Things
Speaking at a university conference is always a near occasion of pretentiousness.
After the murder of Julius Caesar in Shakespeare’s play, Brutus appeals to the charged, fearful crowd in a speech written in prose. He ends up getting his point across. People can see his side and why Caesar’s ambition was a threat to their freedom. But Mark Antony immediately follows hi
A spring poetry anti-review from America's poetry editor Joseph Hoover, S.J.
Faith in Focus
This Lent, take firm hold of your flaws and gaze in confusion and wonder.