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Politics & SocietyInterviews
Connor Hartigan
Georgetown professor Jacques Berlinerblau, an expert on secularism, argues Catholics should be wary of Louisiana’s new law requiring the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public classrooms.
Kevin Costner in “Horizon: An American Saga,” the first of four planned films on the birth of a single town in the West 
Arts & CultureInterviews
Kevin Christopher Robles
With “Horizon: An American Saga,” Mr. Costner has realized an idea 36 years in the making.
Christine Lenahan
Ahead of Juneteenth, Gloria Purvis would like to see the Catholic Church lean into the question: “What is a theological response for making repair for the sin of racism?” The answer, she says, will require “wokeism.”
Inside the Vatican
A roundtable discussion on ‘Dignitas infinitas’ featuring host Colleen Dulle, editor in chief Sam Sawyer, S.J., and Michael O’Loughlin, the executive director of Outreach, an LGBT Catholic resource.
Colleen Dulle
The meetings of Pope Francis’ Council of Cardinal Advisors generally do not garner much attention, but since last year’s synod, they have made headlines thanks to a series of presentations organized by Sister Linda Pocher, F.M.A.
Politics & SocietyInterviews
A conversation with Cardinal Wilton Gregory on synodality, the dangers of social media and the role of young people in overcoming divisions in our church and country.