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Arts & CultureBooks
Joshua Hren
For James Joyce, humanity’s faulty condition “is happy because faults, errors, mistakes and misunderstandings” are the birth of comedy, writes Gabrielle Carey in a new biography.
A cozy scene featuring a stack of books, an open book, a cup of coffee on a saucer, and a vase with flowers on a sunlit table.
Arts & CultureBooks
America Staff
Some suggestions from the staff of America for summer reading: books old and new, long and short, funny and sad.
Arts & CultureBooks
Books about World War II are ubiquitous in the nonfiction section, but "Hitler's American Gamble" is the rare recent work with a genuinely new contribution to make, not just to our understanding of the past but also to our understanding of the present.
Arts & CultureBooks
Joseph Peschel
Lauren Groff's new novel inverts Defoe’s "Robinson Crusoe" by casting a girl—and only briefly, much later on in the novel, the woman—as its heroine.
Arts & CultureBooks
In "All the Kingdoms of the World¸" Kevin Vallier engages with Catholic integralists, but he opens a bigger question: Is there such a thing as a Catholic politics?
Arts & CultureBooks
An account of “what it meant to be a Roman emperor,” Mary Beard's new book is also a sustained exploration of tradition embodied by an individual ruler.